All, it is time to start planning for our annual last-day-of-school-rainbow photo! We are short on space this year, but not on creativity.
Please start preparing for your child/children to wear the color for their grade that day, Friday, 6/24. Any shade of the color is fine!
Feel free to email us at if you need a shirt in your child's color.
If you have a shirt to lend or gift, let us know!
Color assignments (your child should wear the color to match their current grade this year):
Kindergarteners: purple
First graders: blue
Second graders: green
Third graders: yellow
Fourth graders: orange
Fifth graders: red - NOTE: all 5th graders will be given a red shirt on Thursday, 6/23 as a gift to celebrate their moving up.
Let us know if you have questions! Thank you to Tuscan parents and photographers extraordinaire, Mason Levinson and Tracy Sham for taking the photos.