To ensure a safe and supervised Recess experience for Tuscan’s children, parent/guardian volunteers will be assigned to keep watchful eyes on students, in multiple outdoor locations around Tuscan School.
Links to weekly sign ups can be found by scrolling down, but first, please take a moment to read through important details regarding being a recess volunteer. Thanks in advance for your time and continued support!
Tuscan Recess Schedule:
11:00am-11:25am - 2nd grade
11:25am-11:50am - 3rd grade
11:50am-12:15pm - 5th grade
12:15pm-12:40pm - 1st grade
12:40pm-1:05pm - 4th grade
1:05pm-1:30pm - Kindergarten
What are the responsibilities of being a recess volunteer?
- Observe children for safety
- Encourage kids to R.O.A.R (Respect Others Act Responsibly)
- Alert lunch aides, teachers or Tuscan Administration if any problems arise with a student, it is not your responsibility to discipline.
Though it might be tempting to play with your child and their friends at recess or sit and chat with your child at lunch, please remember that you are volunteering to help all the students and make sure recess is enjoyable for everyone!
A few things to note:
- At this time, only parents and guardians are permitted to volunteer.
- Volunteers are required to be vaccinated, masks are optional outdoors.
- Parent volunteers will only be needed when recess is held outdoors. Per the inclement weather guidelines provided by SOMSD, recess will be held indoors when it is raining, snowing or under 20 degrees. If you are unsure if there will be outdoor recess, please call the front office at 973-378-5221. The PTA will also try to update volunteers via email and Facebook when possible.
- If you can no longer make it, we understand but ask that you cancel your signup. You can easily cancel in the “My Account” section by clicking on the respective form, unchecking your name and hitting the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.
- Volunteers should arrive on time for the start of the recess period and report directly to the teacher's parking lot and find school security staff, teacher on duty, Ms. Majeed, Mr. Bertani or Nurse Thompson. You will be given a Tuscan ID badge to wear for your shift.
- When you are helping supervise recess you may not take any pictures or videos and it is best to avoid using your cell phone.
- No surprise visitors are allowed (i.e. if a grandparent or family friend is in town, please do not bring them or have them meet you at Tuscan during your recess shift)
You can find the volunteer sign up forms by clicking on the respective weekly sign ups below:
The Tuscan PTA Needs You!
Outdoor Recess & Lunch Volunteers
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Monday, March 31
- Saturday, April 5
- Sunday, April 6