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Rides! Games! Bounce House! Prizes! And more! All at the Tuscan Fair!

5/6/2024 6:42 am

ARE YOU READY? The Tuscan Fair is BACK! 


Saturday, May 18 

11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Tuscan Blacktop and Front Lawn 


Rides, bounce house, games, prizes, crafts, food, music, cake walk, sensory zone, bubbles, and MORE! 


Purchase your discounted ticket packs May 15, 16, and 17 on the blacktop during drop off and pick up. 

Discounted tickets are 50 for $10. Day-of tickets are 40 for $10. 


We also need VOLUNTEERS! PLEASE consider signing up for a slot at our Tuscan Fair! 

Our volunteers are the ones who really make our events a huge success. 

We need LOTS of you (Seriously, there's more than one page of slots!). Slots are 45 minutes, so you can still enjoy the fair. Please do what you can.

We also need a 5th Grade Games Coordinator to help organize the 5th Graders who run the carnival games. Running the games at Tuscan Fair is a Tuscan tradition, but we need your help!


Can't volunteer the day of? We need help selling pre-sale tickets and setting up on Friday after school. We also need COOLERS and CAKE donations. 

Sign up right here, and get all the details for your shift. 



Questions? Email Amanda