Dear Tuscan Families and Friends --
We are raising funds for an author visit from Matt de la Pena and Loren Long, the authors of the book, Love, and their new book, Home (a follow-up to Love). These two amazing authors visited Tuscan School in 2018 and we would love them to return in 2025. Your donation will help us achieve our goal to raise $7,000 dollars and provide a special day for all our students.
Please click here to donate and feel free to share the fundraising link with family and friends!
Thank you so much!
Ms. Popp
Library Media Specialist
Tuscan School
PS - When you donate, the fundraising page will ask you to include a tip; this is to support the company hosting the fundraiser. You may choose to just tip $1.00 (that is what I did).
The Tuscan PTA Needs You!
Outdoor Recess & Lunch Volunteers
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 7
- Tuesday, March 18