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Ice Cream Social is this Thursday 9/14!

9/10/2023 9:40 pm

Celebrate one week back in school at the Ice Cream Social on Thursday, September 14 from 5-7 p.m. 


If you're able, come volunteer with us! Sign up here. It will be sticky, but fun. 


The Tuscan Tiger will be prowling the event, and you can also catch up with our SEPAC liaison and buy some blue and gold Spirit Wear. 


We're going to have delicious ice cream from Cliff's, which PTA Prez Amanda assures us has been repeatedly voted the best in New Jersey. There will be dairy-free and sugar-free options.


Flyers were sent home last week with (each of) your little Tuscan Tigers with a ticket for one free ice cream sundae attached; check those backpacks!


Additional scoops, for you or a particularly hungry Tiger, will run you $5 each.


And there will be a cashless payment option via the Tuscan PTA's MTK site.