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It's (Tuscan) Showtime!

11/20/2023 7:47 am

Your Broadway dreams CAN come true! 


Sign-ups for the Tuscan Show skits are now open! Register here by Friday, December 1!


A couple of important details to note: 

  • You will need to make a first and second choice. It is NOT first come, first serve. 
  • Skit descriptions are here. Please read the skit descriptions carefully and please make sure that the rehearsal times, Tech Week, AND the show dates work for you BEFORE you sign up. Your skit director will reach out to you after December 6, with rehearsals starting the week of December 11 at Tuscan.
  • Show dates are Friday-Sunday, April 5, 6, and 7, with Tech Week Monday-Thursday, April 1-4
  • NEW this year... your skit payment is due at the time of sign-up
  • If you need financial assistance, please reach out to our social worker, Ms. Buggy

The Tuscan PTA Needs You!

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