Lace Up Those Sneakers! Achieve’s Newstead 5K will be back on Saturday, September 25th!


We'll be back in person for the 19th annual Newstead 5K to benefit the Achieve Foundation on Saturday, September 25th at 9 AM! The fun and family-friendly race for participants at all fitness levels begins at the South Mountain Annex, and continues through the residential Newstead neighborhood. There will also be a Fun Run for the kids sponsored by Able Baker. This year will see the addition of a virtual option (a la last year's INstead 5K) so out-of-towners and those with scheduling conflicts can participate.


Race registration $25 through September 17th and includes our popular race T-shirts (while supplies last). The price goes up to $35 per person on 9/18, so don’t delay. Registration and all race details are available at Newstead 5K ( So whether you are a dedicated runner, a casual walker, or anywhere in between, please join us to support Achieve and our schools.

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