​Tuscan PTA's 5th Grade Fund 2024-25

Our Tigers have finally made it to Fifth Grade! Wow, what a wild ride it’s been — starting with a global pandemic that began for them in the middle of kindergarten. Now it’s time to give them the incredible sendoff they deserve! 


One way to help finance all of the fun activities we’re planning for this milestone year is to donate directly to the Fifth Grade Fund. All donations are 100% tax deductible, with 100% of proceeds going to Fifth Grade expenses.


Funds will cover the cost of yearbooks and t-shirts for every Fifth Grader as well as events like the Pool Party, a Fun Day and the Fifth Grade “Clap Out.” We’re also planning to revive the Tuscan legacy project — a unique gift to the school from our grade!


We count on the generosity of our entire Tuscan community and no donation is too small — so spread the word to family and friends. Based on previous years, we’re anticipating our expenses to be around $10,000 or more.


Here’s a rundown of some of our expenses:

Pool Party DJ

Pool Party Pizza

Fun Day DJ

Fun Day Snack

Clap Out DJ

Clap Out Catering

Clap Out Balloon Arch

Personalized Tuscan “diplomas” 

Fifth Grade T-shirts


We plan to publicly thank individuals who make donations of $250-plus and businesses that donate $500-plus (unless they choose to remain anonymous).



Tuscan Memory Jars are back for a limited time. Available for purchase below. Once you have placed your order, please contact Nóra O'Rourke (noraorourke@gmail.com) or Jill Noonan (jillnoonan1@gmail.com) for preferred delivery.

Thank you for your generosity!


The Fifth Grade Committee

Donation Amount
Sponsorship Level
Donation of Your Choosing
 Tuscan Memory Jar$12.00 

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