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PTA Meetings - WE NEED YOU!

5/2/2022 9:15 pm


Our next PTA meeting is Wednesday, May 17 at 7:30 pm via this Zoom link. This is a very important meeting because we’ll be officially electing our Nominating Committee!
The Nomm Comm as we like to call it is parents who are looking for volunteers to fill next year’s open positions! This year’s Nomm Comm is: Whitney Swain, Donny Levit, Amy Bhattacharyya and Wen Zhu.
Are you interested in PTA leadership? We need a new VP (who usually steps in to be the President the following year) and a new Treasurer.
We also need committee members and chairs to help with next year’s fundraising, yearbook, membership, teacher appreciation, class coordinator leader and more.
The election for next year’s Executive Board will be in our June meeting.
Minutes from the last meeting will be available next week.


The Tuscan PTA Needs You!

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