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Reminder: The first PTA meeting is Wednesday 9/20, 7:30pm

9/20/2023 6:00 am

The first PTA meeting of the year will be this Wednesday, September 20, at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. Please join us using this link here; you can also see the dates of all the 2023-24 PTA meetings when you click. 


Our agenda for this month includes: 

Approving last June's meeting minutes. You can see those here

  • Ms. Majeed's principal's report

  • Teachers' report

  • Treasurer's report

  • Committee reports

  • Information about upcoming events

We will also have an opportunity for you to ask questions. Yes, it's one more Zoom after a day of work, but it's the best way to get a glimpse of the inner workings of Tuscan and hear about what your Tiger is up to on the daily.