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Save the Date for the Tuscan Walk-a-thon!
4/24/2022 9:20 pm
Lace up your shoes and mark your calendars as the Tuscan PTA Walk-A-Thon is coming! Live DJ, prizes, refreshments, giveaways! Expect all of this and more on Thursday, June 2 (rain date, June 9) when we hit the pavement together, get our bodies moving and enjoy some fresh air. All funds raised from this event will help the Tuscan School PTA continue to offer important events and initiatives, including assemblies and book fairs, for the entire Tuscan community. So get your sneakers ready and stay tuned for more details, next steps, and ways to get involved.
The Tuscan PTA Needs You!
Outdoor Recess & Lunch Volunteers
Upcoming Events
- Monday, January 20
- Saturday, January 25
- Tuesday, February 11
- Monday, February 17
- Wednesday, February 19