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SOMSD Project Literacy: Tuscan Book Distro Saturday 3/20 11:30am - 1:30 pm; More Volunteers Needed!

3/18/2021 8:44 pm

Join us at Tuscan, this Saturday 3/20 from 11:30am - 1:30pm to pick up free leveled books from SOMSD, along with other free books donated by Tuscan families and SOMA Shares. There are dedicated books for each and every Tiger, from grades Kindergarten through 5th!

**This event can only happen with your support.** Just 5 of 20 volunteer slots are filled, and though we are able to ask for volunteers from across SOMA, this is a great opportunity for Tiger adults to spend an hour together on the blacktop supporting Tiger kids and our school.

Click here to volunteer on Saturday. 

You can bring gently used children's books for exchange on the day, too. We'll also take clean Fresh Direct bags or other reusable bags for sorting/storing donated books. 

Masks required, and backpacks or similar are encouraged. A successful morning will mean VERY few books to put back into the school - so come early and take all you can carry!

The Tuscan PTA Needs You!

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