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Tuscan Show 2024 Director Info Session

10/20/2023 7:03 am


Broadway, Baby!


We need directors for The Tuscan Show! This show CANNOT be done without YOU. We are meeting on Wednesday, October 25, at 8 p.m. via Zoom to discuss directing. So dust off your tap shoes and shake out your jazz hands, because this year's theme is BROADWAY


NO COMMITMENT needed to join the meeting, come to see what the fun is all about.


Join here

More info here


We promise you will not be disappointed and you will be an important piece to one of the biggest and most beloved Tuscan events.


Please note, the Tuscan Show is for grades 1-5. HOWEVER, if you have a kindergartner and want to direct, your kindergartner CAN be in your skit. (It's all about the perks! Join the meeting to find out more!


Questions you might have before the Zoom: 


What IS the Tuscan Show? The Tuscan Show is an annual variety show, performed and run by students at Tuscan Elementary School (with the help of amazing parent volunteers like YOU!). This year, it will be held at Maplewood Middle School, with performances on April 5, 6, and 7, 2024


What is a skit? A skit is a two-and-a-half-minute dance routine, performed by kids on stage to a pre-recorded track of music.


What is the role of a director? A director’s role is to make up a dance routine to a piece of music of their choice (within the Broadway theme). The director will then teach this dance to a group of kids, source costumes and props (if needed — you'll also get reimbursed for those), and participate in the live performances, cheering the kids on! You can select directing partners with up to three adults helping per skit.


What if I don’t know anything about choreography? That’s OK! The routine can be as simple or complex as you want it to be, depending on your comfort level and the age of your participants. A routine can be two twirls, a jump, some jazz hands, a wave...and repeat! See below for an example of a skit! 


What is the time commitment? Directors will have rehearsals one hour per week from January-April at a time of their choosing. Tech and dress rehearsals happen the week prior to the show, in the evenings.


Still not convinced? Check out this little behind-the-scenes director video from last year!

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to Katie and Missy. We can't wait for you all to join us!!!!