Volunteers Needed!
1/16/2022 6:50 pm
With the frigid temps, let's think ahead to warmer days and Tuscan events to look forward to in the Spring like the Tuscan Walk-A-Thon and the Tuscan Fair!
The Tuscan Walk-A-Thon is still in very early planning stages for a LOT more details to come.
And yes, the Tuscan Fair is baaaaackkkkk! There are probably many of you who have never experienced this awesome event (it's been paused due to the pandemic) but it. is. EPIC. Think old school outdoor fair with sand art, games, a ride or two and the chance for kids to win tickets and trade them in for prizes.
We NEED volunteers to make these events happen! If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering, please get in touch TuscanPTAPres@gmail.com.
The Tuscan PTA Needs You!
Outdoor Recess & Lunch Volunteers
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 7
- Tuesday, March 18