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Walk-A-Thon Success!

6/7/2022 9:39 pm

We raised an incredible amount, $35,807 at the last count, and could not have done it without the support, pledges, and cooperation of so many. 
A huge THANK YOU to all those involved:
  • Mr P and all the staff for helping to organize as well as walk (often dance) with their classes

  • parent volunteers on the day including Mike Lehrer who DJ'd all morning

  • sponsorship from Tuscan parent-owned businesses CKO Kickboxing, Little Apple Arts, Stephan Wrembel, Kate Elliott, General Co-operative Store, Oh! Canary, 

  • the Walk-A-Thon committee: Nora O'Rourke, Melissa Francis, Kristen LaGrua, Jay Fox, and Adrienne MacWhannell

  • and most importantly to all of you and your family and friends for the pledges and of course to our students who walked, skipped, danced, and smiled their way through the Walk-A-Thon.

Such a fun morning and so important to have raised funds for the Tuscan PTA so we can continue to offer key events and initiatives, including assemblies and book fairs, the Tuscan Show and Fair, as well as, supporting class-specific needs. Thank you, thank you to the wonderful Tuscan community. Please check out the Tuscan Families Facebook group for more photos.

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