Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!
Hello to our new Tuscan Families and Welcome Back to our returning Tuscan Families. Summer seemed shorter this year (is it just me?) but please know that how ever many summer adventures you did (or didn’t) have, we are happy you’re back.
Please give a warm welcome to our new PTA Executive Board - Jessie, Doug, Lela, Julia, Cliff, and Kyle. You can read more about our Executive Board here.
New this year (besides our logo) is our school day. Drop off is now 8:53 and pick up is 3:23. If you’re new to our Tuscan community and your child is not taking the bus, morning drop off (and pickup) is outside of the building on the Blacktop. Look for your teacher’s sign. For safety issues, Tuscan had very specific drop off and pick up procedures. Please review them before the first day and make note of the barricades. Parking and walking are encouraged. K-2 parents must stay walk little ones to the blacktop and stay until your teacher arrives. There is absolutely no parking or idling in the Drop Off Zone (in front of the teacher parking lot), even during inclement weather. K-turns on Harvard are also strictly prohibited during arrival and dismissal.
We know you’re anxious and excited to see your child’s classroom and meet your child’s teacher, but you will have to wait until October. Back to School Night is October 12, which also means it’s a 4 hour school day. More information coming soon (including a child care option!).
The PTA is working on planning lots of fun events. First up is our Welcome Back Coffee. Whether you just dropped off your first (or last!) baby for a first day of Kindergarten, your tween for a final year at Tuscan, or somewhere in between, come celebrate (or cry… we don’t judge!) with a cup of coffee on us. Meet up on the Tuscan Front Lawn on the first day of school after drop off. If you can't stay for coffee, make sure you say hello to the Tuscan Tiger, who will be on hand during drop off on the first day of school.
Next up is our Welcome Back Ice Cream Social. Join us (and the Tuscan Tiger!) on the Tuscan Blacktop on Thursday, September 14th from 5-7pm for some fantastic sundaes from Cliff’s Ice Cream (voted one of the BEST in NJ). Be on the lookout for a flyer in your child’s backpack with more information.
Please make sure you create an account at our official PTA Website, You will need an account to subscribe to our newsletter and calendar, purchase Spirit Wear, sign up for Tuscan Show, and make donations. Most importantly, you will need it to join the PTA. Why should you join? Your membership helps us help your teachers and your children by purchasing school and classroom supplies, supporting financially insecure Tuscan families, funding school events such as Farmer’s Market, Book Fair, Tuscan Show, Tuscan Fair, Harvest Festival, assemblies, Kindergarten orientation, and Teacher Appreciation Week, plus SO MUCH MORE. Becoming a member does not mean you have to volunteer, but we really hope you will.
If you’re eager to volunteer, we do have some committees that still need leadership. Plus, Class Coordinator Sign-Ups will be live soon. Please reach out to tuscanptapres@gmail.com if you would like to volunteer for events.
For those who like to stay “social,” we’re on social media! Follow us on Facebook and join our “Tuscan Families” Group . We’re also on Instagram @tuscanpta.
We hope you will join us for our monthly PTA meetings, which will take place every 3rd Wednesday of the month. All are welcome! Our first PTA meeting is Wed, Sept 20th at 7:30pm. Meetings are virtual via Zoom. You can find the link to join and meeting schedule here.
Finally, please share your ideas, comments, questions, and criticisms (really) anytime. My goal is for the PTA to be a welcoming, inclusive community full of kindness and understanding. This is your school, so this is your PTA. If you feel like your voice isn’t being heard, please reach out.
Wishing everyone a fantastic year at Tuscan! Remember to R.O.A.R!
Amanda Durett Cercone
Tuscan PTA President, 2023-2024