Welcome Back from your 2024-25 PTA President
8/29/2024 5:21 pm
Dear new and returning Tuscan Tigers and families,
Hope everyone enjoyed summer and is ready for an amazing year filled with new adventures in learning, friendships and fun! I’d like to welcome to our executive board–Lauren, Doug, Lela, and Julie, read more about them here.
Do you know our school motto? It’s R.O.A.R. – Respect Others, Act Responsibly. Let’svR.O.A.R. together every day! We have a ton of great events lined up and participating in them is a great way to get to know your teachers, staff, and families who make up the caring community that Tuscan is known for.
Enjoy Welcome Back Coffee on our front lawn after drop-off on the first day of school. Meet and greet our Tuscan Tiger and families, Thursday, September 5th, 2024.
Our school day starts at 8:53 am and ends at 3:23 pm.
For new families, if your child is not taking a bus, our drop off/pick up is on the blacktop outside of the building. Everyone will look for your teacher’s and grade’s sign and line up. Families and caregivers with K-2 children must walk with their children to the blacktop and remain with them until the teacher arrives. Parking a few blocks away and walking up to school is your best bet. The Green Drop off/Pick up Zone is ONLY for Grades 3-5 near the Teacher's lot. For extra safety and well-being of our students and
staff, please follow and respect our arrival/dismissal procedures here.
We encourage our bus riding families to drop off/pick up their children occasionally, to experience the community. We highly recommend making playdates with new classmates or getting involved in upcoming events or lunch/recess volunteering.
Back-to-School Night will be Thursday, September 12th from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. You will get a chance to see where all the magic happens from our wonderful teachers and sit at those tiny desks and chairs! Remember this is a 4-hour early dismissal day at 12:53 pm.
We arranged childcare in the cafeteria, please register in advance.
The next night on Friday, September 13th from 5:00 - 8:00pm, we are hosting our annual Ice Cream Social from Cliff's Ice Cream (voted one of NJ's BEST!) with fantastic sundaes. We'll also have Pizza for sale to support our 5th Grade Committee, so we have you covered for dinner & dessert after your 1st full week of school! Be on the lookout for the flyer sent home in your child's backpack.
Join us and make your voice heard at our monthly PTA meetings, which will be every 3rd Wednesday of the month. Our 1st meeting is Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 at 7:30 pm via Zoom. It’s your chance to catch up on important news and updates for school events, fundraisers, and community events, see our meeting schedule, past minutes and link to join here.
We hope you all become a member of the PTA, create an account and join for $10 per membership (remember spouses, grandparents, family, too!) Once you register, you can opt-in to our weekly newsletter, purchase Spirit Wear, sign-up for volunteer opportunities and receive communications.
Your membership supports our student programs, assemblies, activities, subsidizes field trips, funds teacher grants and wishlists. It funds the Farmer’s Market, Book Fair, Tuscan Show, Tuscan Fair, Teacher Appreciation Week. Your involvement will make a huge impact not only in your children’s education but in our community. Reach out to Ms. Lillman, Ms. Majeed or tuscanptapres@gmail.com if cost is prohibiting your participation, we are here to help. We have open committees that need leadership, volunteers sign-up here. Class coordinator sign-ups will be live soon.
Follow us on socials: Facebook join our “Tuscan Families” Group. We’re on Instagram @tuscanpta
Please share your ideas, comments, questions or concerns. Our goal together is to create an inclusive, diverse community, filled with kindness and understanding. Let’s show our teachers and school how much we appreciate them and make this year shine!
Jessie Kaye
Tuscan PTA President 2024-2024