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Welcome Back!

9/6/2023 6:09 pm

We can’t wait to welcome you to the first day of the 2023-2024 School Year! Tomorrow, be on the lookout for the Tuscan Tiger on the blacktop during drop off and then join us for a cup of coffee on us, served by General Store Shops & Cafe.



And in case you missed it in the first newsletter that went out, don't forget to check out the welcome letter from our PTA President: 


Our PTA President Amanda Durett Cercone has a warm welcome back (or, just welcome, if you are a first-time kindergarten parent or are new to the district or to Tuscan) letter for you! She goes over pickup and dropoff times and procedures, has the deets on some fun Tuscan family activities that are coming up, and the low-down on what the PTA is, who we are, and what we do. You can read that here.