Volunteers Needed for Upcoming Kindergarten Orientation

5/22/2022 9:42 pm

Calling families of current K and 1st grade students
We need some volunteers to organize and attend the in-person Kindergarten Orientation being held on June 10 this year. There will be multiple sessions and it will look different from years past, but we are so excited it will be in person! While the incoming K children are inside meeting with the teachers, their parents will be outside socializing. We plan to have some spirit wear for sale as well. 


The ask: For four to six current K parents with flexibility to attend morning and/or afternoon sessions. It would be great to have 4-6 volunteers for the morning session and an additional 4-6 volunteers for the afternoon session. 


You'll be volunteering to join us on the lawn and purchase and bring some individually wrapped snacks and drinks (funded by the PTA) for the parents of the incoming K students. 

The PTA has a small budget for this and once we identify parent volunteers, we can explain the budget and reimbursement process.  


If you're interested, please email TuscanPTAPres@gmail.com.

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Memorial Day Parade Tradition: We NEED YOU

5/22/2022 9:35 pm

Our Tuscan parade leader is graduating with her 5th grader and we need a new Tiger Guardian in Charge! 

When? Monday, May 30 at 8:30am

Where? Meet in the parking lot on West Parker to march through town and down Baker to Valley and Town Hall.  


  • Identify someone with a convertible, a driver, a Tuscan Tiger suit wearer (usually a 5th grader).

  • Publicize the event so we actually have a group to march!

  • Show up on the day of the event with Tiger tails to pin on, blue and gold pom-poms, and posters, which will be provided to you!


Interested?! Please email TuscanPTAPres@gmail.com


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Get your Tuscan Tigers’ walkin’ shoes ready

5/15/2022 9:34 pm

The first-ever Tuscan Walk-A-Thon will take place on Thursday, June 2, 9:30am-12:00pm, and boy are we excited! Kids will hit the pavement, and enjoy some fresh air while raising money!


To make this a success, we need your help. Please take a few minutes to register your Tuscan Tiger here and start asking friends and family to make pledges. This Walk-A-Thon is a vital way for us to raise funds to help the PTA continue to offer important events and initiatives - like assemblies and book fairs - to the entire Tuscan community.


There will be a live DJ, giveaways, and refreshments. Two grades will walk at a time (for approximately 30 minutes). Parents are encouraged to volunteer. We are looking forward to a fun morning.


Look out for fliers in backpacks (if you did not spot one already) and an email from your class coordinators with more details. Rain date is June 9.


A huge thank you to our sponsors, Tuscan parent-owned businesses: CKO, Little Apple Arts, The Kate Elliot Team, General Co-operative Store, Oh! Canary, and Stephane Wrembel.


Questions? Email amacwhannell2@gmail.com

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That's a Wrap!

5/15/2022 9:21 pm


Congratulations to everyone on a super, spectacular, sensational show! The singing and dancing was only made better by the wonderful fourth and fifth-grade hosts.


And we learned a thing or two about New Jersey. Like, who the hell knew that Lou Gehrig AND Babe Ruth played in South Orange?! Mind. Blown.


Thank you again to Katie Rickard and Missy Wahlers for your tireless enthusiasm, creativity, and amazing energy and to Amy Merlino Coey for all your behind the scenes work!


To everyone involved in the show and to the parent skit directors - we appreciate all of you! And that’s what so great about New Jersey!

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The 2022 Tuscan Show is FINALLY here!!!

5/12/2022 9:06 pm


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Very important message about the upcoming PTA meeting

5/8/2022 2:42 pm


Our next PTA meeting is on Tuesday, May 17 at 7:30 pm via this Zoom link.


This is a very important meeting because we’ll be officially electing our Nominating Committee! The Nomm Comm as we like to call it is parents who are looking for volunteers to fill next year’s open positions! This year’s Nomm Comm is: Whitney Swain, Donny Levit, Amy Bhattacharyya and Wen Zhu. 


Also, we want to know! Are you interested in PTA leadership? We need:

  • A new VP (who usually steps in to be the President the following year)
  • A new Treasurer. 
  • Committee members and chairs to help with next year’s fundraising, yearbook, membership, teacher appreciation, class coordinator leader and more. 


The election for next year’s Executive Board will be in our June meeting. 


Feel like you missed out on the minutes from our March meeting? Those are here

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5/3/2022 6:22 am

The 2022 Tuscan Show is almost here friends! 


5/13 at 7pm
5/14 at 4pm
5/15 at 2pm
All performances take place at MAPLEWOOD MIDDLE SCHOOL.
Show is free and we can't wait to share this with you. We have almost 300 students participating who are chomping at the bit to show off their sweet dancing, creative art skills, and precise spotlight technique.
We hope you'll be able to join us for what will surely be an AMAZING weekend.
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PTA Meetings - WE NEED YOU!

5/2/2022 9:15 pm


Our next PTA meeting is Wednesday, May 17 at 7:30 pm via this Zoom link. This is a very important meeting because we’ll be officially electing our Nominating Committee!
The Nomm Comm as we like to call it is parents who are looking for volunteers to fill next year’s open positions! This year’s Nomm Comm is: Whitney Swain, Donny Levit, Amy Bhattacharyya and Wen Zhu.
Are you interested in PTA leadership? We need a new VP (who usually steps in to be the President the following year) and a new Treasurer.
We also need committee members and chairs to help with next year’s fundraising, yearbook, membership, teacher appreciation, class coordinator leader and more.
The election for next year’s Executive Board will be in our June meeting.
Minutes from the last meeting will be available next week.


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Tuscan Fair success!

5/2/2022 9:10 pm

The sun was out, the music pumping, the bouncy slide busy, and the grill fired up. We feel that it’s safe to say that the Tuscan Fair was a huge success.


So great to see everyone out, laughing, and having a good time. A shout out to Leonal Rocha, our head custodian.


And so many thank yous, it's hard to know where to even begin.


First to Holly Keith and Regina Hanley for making the whole thing happen. We are lucky to have you and your dedication to the event made the whole day a huge success. Over to Maddy Shaw and Rebecca Scheer to start organizing next year’s fair! 


And to all the volunteers who helped to make the day so awesome, with a few special call outs: 

  • The grillers: Mike Lehrer, Will Werwath, Matt Dujnic, Mark Brinton, Patrick Sulin, and Justin Hogan
  • The raffle ticket organizers: Frankie Sirianni and Jennifer Roszell
  • The spirit wear sellers: Erica Galea and Laura Carney
  • All the 5th graders who ran the games
  • All the parents who signed up for a shift and sold tickets, food, bought snacks, helped set up and clean up!
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Support Our 5th Graders and You Could Win 2 Tickets to See Wicked on Broadway!

4/28/2022 4:40 pm

Help support our 5th graders, enter a chance to win 2 tickets to Wicked!

Click here to purchase $5, $10 & $20 options. 


Enter by Saturday 5/3, 2:30pm. Random winner will be selected after the Tuscan Fair is over. 


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The Tuscan PTA Needs You!

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